MIAMI (WSVN) - A judge on Monday upheld a temporary restraining order against the president of the Miami Fraternal Order of Police, who has been accused of stalking and harassing a woman.
Claudia Castillo filed the restraining order against Miami FOP President Javier Ortiz, also a police officer, after she said he harassed her at City Hall in March. The judge upheld the order until a hearing next Monday, when a decision will be made on whether or not to make the order permanent.
“The judge did the right thing by keeping the restraining order in place,” Paul Petruzzi, Castillo’s attorney said. “Lieutenant Ortiz has some serious issues.”
Last year, Castillo recorded cellphone video of a Miami-Dade Police officer who she thought was speeding. She followed the officer and confronted him, which Ortiz did not like.
The lieutenant tweeted, “Wannabe cop #claudiaCastillo likes to drink and drive recreational vessels. #greatRoleModel #budlightparty” along with pictures of her on a boat.
He also tweeted her cellphone number along with, “Feel free to call Claudia castillo at her cell [number] and let her know drinking and driving on a boat isn’t safe. #shesNOTaboveTheLaw #wesupportmdpd It’s important that law enforcement is aware of this woman.” That tweet also included a picture of where she works.
Petruzzi said the experience was a nightmare for his client.
“Can you imagine having your cell number, your personal cellphone number, your place of business, where you work being put on social media?” he said.
In late March, Castillo said Ortiz was stalking her at Miami City Hall.
“[Ortiz] left that meeting with the intent to stalk my client, at the City Hall,” Petruzzi said.
The temporary restraining order was granted, and Ortiz was not allowed to carry his gun off work hours. He was placed on desk duty until the courts ruled.
On Monday, the judge denied dropping the restraining order but did grant Ortiz the ability to keep his gun when not working.
“We find this judgment encouraging,” Ortiz’s attorney said.
A judge will decide, next Monday, whether to make the restraining order permanent.
“I look forward on this all being resolved on Monday,” Ortiz said outside the court. “I have full trust in the criminal justice system in having me vindicated.”
Miami Police conducted an internal affairs investigation last year and reprimanded Ortiz. He is still the president of the Miami FOP.
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