NORTHWEST MIAMI-DADE, FLA. (WSVN) - Police are searching for the man who, they said, crashed into the garage of a home in Northwest Miami-Dade and then ran away from the scene, Friday afternoon.
Miami-Dade Police and Fire Rescue units responded to the scene of the crash on the corner of Northwest 12th Avenue and 100th Street, just after 4:15 p.m.
Officials said a Nissan Altima went off the road, barreled through a fence and slammed into the garage.
Cellphone video captured the vehicle moments after the crash.
Yosheika Jean, the woman who lives at the house, said her three sons were home at the time. One of them, who is in his teens, called her when they heard the crash.
“He had let me know that he heard a loud boom,” she said, “so he came out the door to see, and it was a car in my garage.”
According to neighbors, the man driving the sedan jumped out, grabbed a few items and fled on foot, abandoning the car at the scene.
Neighbors took photos of the driver as he ran away and sent them to 7.
Police arrived at the scene shortly after.
Jean said she rushed home as quickly as she could.
“Oh, baby, I almost panicked. Probably almost hit about five or 10 cars because I wanted to rush home to make sure that my kids were all right,” she said. “As long as my kids are all right, I’m all right.”
7News cameras captured the white Altima being taken away from the house on a flatbed tow truck, Friday evening.
When asked how she feels about the crash, Jean replied, “Pissed, just pissed, like where is this guy? Why has he even been driving like that? Was he drunk, was he high or what? Why?”
Jean said her garage sustained extensive damage.
“All my stuff is damaged inside the garage. Everything, ” she said. “I had it set up as a studio for my kids. Everything is gone, everything.”
As the search for the driver continues, Jean said she is thankful her children were not hurt. Now she’s hoping the runaway motorist is found.
“I don’t even know how I’m going to get all my stuff back,” she said.
No estimate has been given as to the extent of the damages to Jean’s home or how much repairs will cost.
Police said the driver is in his early 20s and has a mustache. He was last seen wearing a black and white shirt and blue jean shorts.
As Jean continues the cleanup process at her home, she had a message for the driver responsible for the close call.
“You need to turn yourself in, because that was horrible what you did,” she said.
If you have any information on his whereabouts, call Miami-Dade Crime Stoppers at 305-471-TIPS. Remember, you can always remain anonymous, and you may be eligible for a $1,000 reward.
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