
FORT LAUDERDALE, FLA. (WSVN) - A guardian of one of the residents at a Fort Lauderdale senior assisted living facility where seven residents have died from COVID-19 says secret visitations at the facility are putting residents at risk.

Following the deaths of the residents, Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis said negligence at the Atria Willow Wood facility, along the 2800 block of West Commercial Boulevard, could be criminal.

“The reason that happened is because the facility did not follow any of the regulations,” DeSantis said.

COVID-19 cases in long term care facilities statewide have been on the rise for weeks. There were only 415 cases statewide in nursing homes on April 8, but on Thursday, that number has skyrocketed to 2,333 cases. There are a total of 100 facilities in Miami-Dade and Broward counties with at least one confirmed case of COVID-19, and 234 residents statewide have died from the virus.

New allegations have since surfaced that the facility is still not doing enough to keep residents safe from the virus.

Gloria Ego is a professional guardian and has one ward inside Atria Willow Wood. She is worried because the ground floor residents have patios with access to the outside, and she said she was alerted that visitors, who are normally not allowed, are coming to the patios to see loved ones.

“My concern has been from day one, ‘How are they securing that?’ Not just for my ward but for anyone in the building,” Ego said. “Yes, I know for a fact that they were. Whether they were practicing safe social distancing, I can say I don’t know. There was a situation last week.”

DeSantis has said law enforcement and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention have been on site securing the facility.

However, Ego disputed the governor’s claim.

“Right now, you could drive onto the property,” she said.

On Wednesday, 7News was able to drive into Atria Willow Wood and were not stopped by anyone on the property. Cameras captured all of the screened patios at the facility, but one 7News camera captured a family who appeared to be seeing a relative while adhering to social distancing guidelines on the property.

Ego said the dangerous visitations are happening, and she is demanding a security guard outside.

When asked if she got a response to what the facility is doing to secure its back area, Ego said, “The response was, we monitor sometimes during the day, and if you want to discuss it more you can call me. I wanted it in writing. I feel very confident with all the facilities in Broward and Palm Beach where all my other wards are. In this situation, I am not feeling confident that my ward is being protected enough.”

A spokesperson for Atria Willow Wood released a statement on the issue Wednesday afternoon that read: “At Atria, our primary focus is and always has been on the health, safety and well-being of our residents and employees. We’ve communicated to our residents and families the current visitor restrictions in place at the community. We also have staff dedicated to closely monitoring the exterior grounds, which includes resident patios, as an additional measure to keep the community safe.”

The spokesperson also said they have notified guests and residents about the stricter visitation rules.

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