SOUTHWEST MIAMI-DADE, FLA. (WSVN) - A South Florida man said he was compelled to pull over and come to the aid of an elderly pedestrian who had fallen on a busy Southwest Miami-Dade intersection, Tuesday.
Barry Shaw’s dashcam recorded the pedestrian struggling to walk with a cane in the middle of heavy traffic at the intersection of LeJeune Road and Southwest Eighth Street.

The good Samaritan said he was heading south on LeJeune when he spotted the pedestrian losing his footing in the middle of the road. “The gentleman there was just in the point of falling down on the ground,” said Shaw. “He just went over, and I was like, ‘Oh, my goodness.'”
Shaw said, to make matters worse, cars were just swerving around him. “My first reaction was, ‘Why isn’t anyone stopping, not just to help him, but why aren’t people stopping to help him? Because there’s an old man lying in the road,” he said.
The dashcam footage shows Shaw getting out of his car to help the pedestrian. He is then seen flagging down other drivers to help lift the man up and walk him to the other side of the roadway safely.
Thankfully, the pedestrian was not hurt, and Shaw said he’s thankful it wasn’t worse. “He could have easily gotten run over, very easily,” he said. “I ask for help from God every day, so when there’s the opportunity to help someone else, you have to take it.”
Shaw said he decided not to call 911 because the pedestrian was not disoriented nor seriously hurt.
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