FORT LAUDERDALE, FLA. (WSVN) - After three days of testimony, the defense rested their case in the trial of former Broward Sheriff’s Office Deputy Christopher Krickovich.

The defense on Friday continued to build its case around fights that have occurred for years at the Tamarac shopping plaza where Krickovich was seen hitting then 15-year-old Delucca Role back in 2019.

The defense initially brought in witness Marisol Garcia. She said she was there when Krickovich was accused of slamming Rolle’s head to the ground outside of a McDonald’s restaurant.

“They would gather to see these fights. It was like a spectator sport,” said Garcia. “They would just – we knew that it was going to happen. We would see a large crowd coming, and the fight would start, and they would be physical.”

Garcia worked at a nearby bank and testified how the brawls outside of her place of work would affect the business

“We had less foot traffic during that time, because it was such a common occurrence that people avoid the area,” said Garcia

BSO Sgt. Gregory LaCerra was also brought to the stand. He was originally charged in the incident, but a Florida appeals court ruled that he acted in self-defense.

He was asked what he heard around him that made him take action in the incident.

“The yelling and screaming got louder towards us,” said LaCerra.

“From your perspective, does it change how quickly you needed to put this kind of guy into custody?” asked a lawyer.

“Yes,” responded LaCerra.

The defense later brought in Krickovich’s training sergeant, BSO Deputy Mel Murphy. He saw the body camera video of the incident and testified that Rolle was actively resisting.

On the stand, Murphy said this case was lawful use of force.

“How would you describe , in terms of the training that you provided the Broward Sheriff’s Office, Christopher Krickovich’s response to the active resistance he encountered that day?” asked a lawyer.

“My opinion is that was a beautiful display of lawful use of force, and reasonable self-defense,” said Murphy.

“Textbook?” asked the lawyer.

“Exactly,” said Murphy.

Krickovich was charged with misdemeanor battery.

The state tried to prove that he used excessive force, Thursday.

Closing statements are scheduled for Monday morning, and then the case heads to the jury.

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