NEW PORT RICHEY, Fla. (WSVN) — A camera store owner near Tampa is speaking out following an encounter with thieves determined to steal expensive items.

Jim Smetzer, the owner of Pasco Camera Exchange, said it was the first time that he’s had to fight off thieves since opening the store near Tampa 30 years ago.

“It’s very rare to have this in downtown New Port Richey,” he said.

Surveillance footage showed Smetzer at the counter alone on Friday.

According to authorities, two men entered the store under the guise of purchasing cameras.

“We had two gentlemen come in today and were talking about getting a camera and a couple of lenses,” said Smetzer. “You’re kind of aware that this could be a situation where someone is trying to set you up to rob you. I was trying to be extra careful about not leaving things on the counter a whole lot, moving things to the shelves. As I was setting things over by the register to ring things out, one of the gentlemen grabbed it quickly and then started to run.”

One of the thieves grabbed a camera and attempted to flee, while the other hopped over the counter to grab a lens.

“It was scary, because it’s like, I’m going to try and stop these guys,” said Smetzer. “I don’t know how I’m going to stop them, but I’m going to try and stop them. It was a real quick grab and run.”

Smetzer tried to catch the second thief attempting to steal a lens but tripped, leading to the duo hopping in the back seat of a dark-colored Mazda and taking off.

Together, the stolen items were worth more than $4,000. Smetzer believes the items ended up for sale online.

“All of a sudden, there’s a lens out there, let’s say a $1,500 lens, and they’re selling it for $500, $600,” he said. “It’s frustrating.”

Local business owners stand behind Smetzer.

“Never again,” said business owner Regan Weiss. “Don’t try this in our town. Don’t try this in our community. The first individual to give information leading to an arrest, we’ll give $1,000 to.”

A second business is giving an award for $500 to catch the thieves.

Fortunately, Smetzer only suffered minor injuries.

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