KEY WEST, FLA. (WSVN) - Cleanup efforts from Hurricane Ian led residents in Key West to save a sea turtle from the storm’s aftermath.
As residents in Monroe County work to pick up the pieces after the massive storm, one family stumbled upon a surprise on Wednesday.
An 8-year-old boy in Key West found the sea turtle hatchling while he was cleaning boats with his family.
The tiny reptile was buried under a foot of seaweed near a boat ramp.
“We found him in the seaweed while we were cleaning the seaweed off the boat ramp,” said the boy.
The boy and his family promptly named the precious discovery Ian. Then, they called The Turtle Hospital in Marathon.
Dedicated professionals at the hospital gave Ian a checkup. It has been measured and given the necessary medications.
“We’re going to hydrate Ian with some fluids and dextrose before he gets put in the water,” said one of Ian’s caretakers.
It has even taken a plunge in a bucket of its beloved salty seawater.
Ian is now on the road to recovery. The turtle’s caregivers said it will soon be released back into the wild so it can grow into a happy and healthy sea turtle, all thanks to the family who saved its life.
It also happens to be sea turtle nesting season, so many hatchlings like Ian could have been affected by the hurricane. That’s why the work from organizations like The Turtle Hospital is so important.
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