CLEARWATER, Fla. (WSVN) — A driver in central Florida started recording when he saw a cop car with its emergency lights on, only to then notice the adorable reason why.
Glenn Peterson was stopped at a red light in Clearwater last Wednesday when he spotted the officer in the intersection.
“I was thinking a chase or something was going on. So, I turned on my camera on my phone,” he told Fox 13, only spotting a tiny feathered family once he hit record. “[I] noticed there was a mommy duck crossing the street with her baby ducks, so at that point, I recorded as much as I could.”
Peterson posted the video on the Clearwater Police Department’s Facebook page to recognize the officer for his act of kindness.
“Clearwater’s finest stopping traffic so mama duck and babies can cross… good job officer,” he wrote.
The agency then shared the video themselves, thanking Officer Richmond for ensuring “safe passage for our feathered friends.”
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