HUDSON, Fla. (WSVN) — A Central Florida nudist community is complaining after a U.S. Postal Service worker refused to deliver to their community.
Residents of the nudist community in Hudson said the problem has been going on for several months.
“There’s a postal creed and it doesn’t say anything about them not coming to nudist resorts,” said resident Leonard Rusin. “I pay for a service, I expect that service.
A resident said the regular mail carrier has no issues delivering inside the park. FedEx was also spotted making deliveries to the community.
Although, a carrier for USPS refuses, saying she’s offended by the naked lifestyle.
“It offends me that she does not do her job because if she can’t do her job, then she shouldn’t be having this job,” said resident Eileen Hudak.
The community has mailboxes outside the gate which fit envelopes. However, packages pose a different kind of problem.
Most carriers deliver boxes to the park office or to the residence directly, but the carrier in question won’t enter the community, which is something USPS supervisors said is within her rights.
“We don’t get the mail that day and sometimes the mail is important, like our neighbor, it’s his medication sometimes, he can’t wait until Monday or Tuesday to go and get it,” Hudak said.
Rusin, who is a disabled veteran, said he receives his medication in the mail. He said he also missed mail from the IRS.
“If you’re given a job, you gotta do it, 100 percent, not because you don’t want to,” said Rusin.
A spokesperson for the post office said the carrier isn’t doing anything wrong because the community has centralized delivery and they are not going to make her go beyond those gates if she’s not comfortable.
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