WEST PALM BEACH, Fla. (AP) — A Florida mugger picked the wrong senior citizen to attack.
The Palm Beach Post reports 68-year-old Steve Shepherd was limping to his car last week, a pulled muscle impairing his stride, when a mugger hit him in the head with a bottle and demanded his cellphone.
Bad choice.
Shepherd is a five-time world kickboxing champ. Though retired 18 years, he’s been training to become the oldest professional fighter. He has a March bout scheduled.
Shepherd threw a right cross to the attacker’s head, and then smashed a hook to his ribs, crumpling him. Bystanders interceded and the man escaped. Shepherd suffered a ruptured eardrum, a cut and bruise.
The Palm Beach Sheriff’s Office says security video shows the attacker is about 20 and had prowled the area for hours, seeking a victim.
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