TALLAHASSEE, FLA. (WSVN) - Florida lawmakers in the state House of Representatives are proposing a ban on red-light cameras in the Sunshine State.
HB 6007 would repeal the law that allows cities and counties in Florida to install and use red-light cameras, according to a report by WTXL.
Though the measure easily passed in the House Government Accountability Committee, a similar bill in the Florida Senate’s Transportation Committee failed two weeks ago.
The House bill will now go to the full House when the legislative session starts next month.
Advocates for banning the cameras said a report from the Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles showed a higher number of crashes in intersections after cameras were installed. The report said crashes were up over 10-percent versus before the cameras were put in place.
Red-light camera supporters, however, argue that the report is unfair since it included crashes up to 250 feet away from the intersections.
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