PALM BEACH GARDENS, FLA. (WSVN) - A dog who was dragged behind a truck for at least half a mile is recovering, and those who helped are sharing her survival story.

The recovering dog named Destiny was dragged behind her elderly owner’s truck until a Palm Beach County Sheriff’s deputy spotted her two weeks ago.

Destiny is now in the care of some people who worked to save her life. She had cuts and scratches so deep that her bones were exposed.

“Underneath her bandages here, she’s got incisions with staples,” said Dr. Steven Hansen with Pet Emergency & Referral Center.

Although she has fractures and the pads on her paws were worn away when she was dragged by her neck, Hansen said she’s improving from when she first arrived. “She’s made some remarkable progress as far as healing,” he said.

According to the dog’s owner, he tied Destiny to his truck while he went to feed his other animals. When he finished, he said he forgot about Destiny, accidentally dragging her half a mile down the road.

After spotting Destiny, the deputy pulled the driver over and took the injured dog to the vet.

“Had they not stopped her when they did and had they not gotten her here so that we could start intervening with IV antibiotics, supportive care, shock therapy and then eventually surgery, she probably would have passed away,” Hansen said.

The three-year-old dog was in desperate need of medical care, and a rescue organization called Salty Dog Paddle Rescue stepped in to help.

“She has a will to live. She wants to live. She’s a strong dog, so we wanted to help,” said Samantha Dishman with Salty Dog Paddle Rescue.

The organization rescues hundreds of dogs and raises nearly a million dollars for their care. “That’s what Salty Dog is. We raise awareness. We raise funds. We raise education,” Dishman said.

“She has an incredible will to live and we wanted to support her,” Hansen said.

Destiny’s owner surrendered her because he couldn’t pay her medical bills. He could still face criminal charges.

Meanwhile, vet bills have added up to about $15,000 so far. To donate toward Destiny’s medical care, click here.

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