DAVIE, FLA. (WSVN) - Surveillance video released by Davie Police shows that the car fires that rocked a mobile home community were set on purpose.

Fire rescue crews worked to put out the flames that engulfed the cars in the Kings Manor Mobile Home Park near Southwest Seventh Street and 126th Terrace, just off Interstate 595, on Tuesday.

“I saw the smoke coming up, and from the angle I was, it looked like it was right over my house,” said witness Hashwae Wright.

Officials said, for two nights in a row, someone was placing makeshift bombs underneath the cars in a driveway. The vehicles exploded and were left charred.

“I was just glad it wasn’t my house, bro,” said Wright. “I’m glad nobody got hurt, and I’m glad that his house didn’t burn down, because it was very close to his home.”

Investigators said the first explosion happened Monday morning. Surveillance video showed a small compact car passing by the house twice, located along the 12000 block of Southwest Seventh Street.

When the car drove by the house the second time, a small incendiary device was thrown out of the car and landed underneath one of the cars parked in front of the mobile home.

Surveillance video caught a small fire erupting beneath the car, which was said to have caused minor damage.

The following day, a pickup truck was caught on camera driving by the residence before making a second drive through the neighborhood.

On the second lap, one person could be seen on camera getting out of the vehicle and walking around one of the cars in the driveway.

Minutes later, an explosion of fire erupted that ended up causing major damage to both vehicles.

“Maybe next time, that’s going to be me,” said the homeowner, who was not identified. “That’s gonna be a bigger bomb for two or three hours and ‘boom,’ you know?”

Detectives have not released further details about the case but said the crimes are all over a woman.

“Personally, I feel like that house carries a type of energy that was called upon themselves,” said Wright.

7Skyforce HD flew over the scene just before 7:30 a.m. on Tuesday where the scorched cars could be seen being towed away.

As investigators continue searching for leads, area residents said enough is enough.

“For someone to have the knowledge to make something like that and be willing to do it to someone’s home, I just find that pretty dumb,” said Wright.​

If you have any information on this act of arson, call Broward County Crime Stoppers at 954-493-TIPS. Remember, you can always remain anonymous, and you may be eligible for a $3,000 reward.

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