
PORT EVERGLADES, FLA. (WSVN) - Cruise ship employees who want to get back to work held a protest at Port Everglades.

Members of the International Longshoreman Association gathered at Marnelli Park on Wednesday to hold up signs and to call on the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention to not extend its no sail order.

The order is set to expire at the end of October.

“We don’t understand why the cruise ships can’t sail, but you can get on an airplane in a closed cabin, sitting less than 2 feet from the passenger next to you, and you can fly from here to the other side of the country,” Johnnie Dixon, the president of the Local 1526 Association, said. “Cruise ships are wide open. Why can’t people get back to having fun with their families and making those memories?”

The CDC first suspended cruises in March after numerous COVID-19 outbreaks and deaths on board several ships.

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