NORTHWEST MIAMI-DADE, FLA. (WSVN) - Investigators are searching for answers after discovering a burned body left on the side of the road in Northwest Miami-Dade.
Miami-Dade Police and Fire Rescue responded to the scene of the gruesome discovery, near Northwest 12th Avenue and 142nd Street, just after 8 p.m., Wednesday.
Now, the neighboring community is on edge, and they said they are looking to make the area safer. “It’s just something that you don’t want to see in your neighborhood at night time,” said Brittnay Escorcia, who lives in the area.
According to investigators, the body was burned so badly, it was still smoldering from the blaze upon their arrival.
An orange arrow on the roadway marked the spot next to a dirt area in the grass, Thursday, where the burned body previously lay.
Resident Don Bartels said that the strip of land the body was found on is a place where criminals know no one is watching. “People come in and dump whatever, whenever,” he said. “This is the latest result. That took it to the next level.”
The age and gender of the person remains unknown, but police said the body appears to be that of an adult.
Neighbors said the crimes they have witnessed in their community lately are getting worse.
“It’s sad to see this kind of thing happen anywhere, but that it happened in my neighborhood makes it even worse,” said Bartels. “Now people could dump anything here. It’s going from ordinary trash piles to dead animals to burnt cars, and now we have burnt human beings? When is somebody gonna do something?”
The area is not well lit, and there are no nearby houses with surveillance cameras, making it even harder for investigators. “So nobody is gonna see much going on out here,” Bartels said.
As police try to figure out how and why this happened, locals are hoping the violence stops.
“I’m freaked out, but I’m definitely concerned about the whole situation, you know,” said Bartels. “Something needs to be done.”
“You don’t know who could have did it, and they could be out there,” said the local. “Could be a murderer out on the loose.”
The investigation is ongoing.
If you have any information that might help, call Miami-Dade Crime Stoppers at 305-471-TIPS. Remember, you can always remain anonymous, and you may be eligible for a $3,000 reward.
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