HOLLYWOOD, FLA. (WSVN) - Police have released surveillance footage of a robbery at a Hollywood gas station in hopes the public can assist them with information.

Two men could be seen parking a silver four-door Toyota away from the pumps at the Marathon gas station on the 3000 block of Johnson Street, just west of the Interstate 95 overpass, at approximately 9:15 p.m., Tuesday.

“One of them, you can see, gets out of the passenger side of the car and kind of walks around a little,” said Hollywood Police spokesperson Miranda Grossman.

An interior surveillance camera captured that subject as he stood outside of the convenience store.

Cameras captured the moment a victim was changing the oil in his red SUV when the other subject could be seen reaching into the victim’s back pocket and running away with his wallet.

Officials said the suspect had befriended the victim during the moments leading up to the theft.

“The suspect said something to him. I don’t know exactly what he said to him, but said something friendly, most likely,” said Grossman.

The crook ran back to the vehicle he arrived in, where his accomplice was waiting at the wheel.

As the thief opened the driver’s side door, the accomplice jumped into the passenger seat.

After the crook shut the door and began to back up the vehicle, the victim could be seen approaching the vehicle and opening the driver’s side door.

“He tries to confront the driver and the suspect,” said Grossman.

The robber then hit the gas in reverse and the victim was hit by the car door and nearly run over as the duo fled the scene.

The car was last seen heading eastbound on Johnson Street.

A 7News crew showed the surveillance video of the confrontation to Marathon customers, Friday evening.

“Oh, my gosh!” said customer Shantorna Kendrick.

“Wow, ooh, wow. That’s crazy,” said a man.

“Oh, wow, for a few dollars,. It’s scary; I mean, you have to be careful,” said Omar Cheema, who owns the Farm Stores drive-thru located next to the gas station.

“I’ve been here for, like, 10 years, nine years, and I haven’t seen anything like this,” said Cheema.

The clerk who was working at the Marathon station Tuesday night said she did not see anything but heard screaming just after the theft.

“I closed the door, maybe at 9 p.m.,” said the employee.

Police said the victim was not seriously injured. As of 11 p.m. on Friday, they have not identified him.

Investigators describe the man who took the victim’s wallet as having long black hair and a beard. He was last seen wearing a red and white shirt.

His accomplice, who also had a beard, had his hair in a bun, a tattoo on the right side of his neck and was last seen wearing a black long-sleeved shirt and jeans.

“It’s bold and it’s disheartening that you’re out there just changing your oil, trying to get on with your night and these two suspects would do something like this,” said Grossman. “Just always remain vigilant to people around you and your personal belongings.”

“Your wallet, you’ve got to put a chain on these, attach it to you or something, wear a pouch in front of you,” said Kendrick.

When asked whether the incident makes him angry, the male customer replied, “Kind of, ’cause that’s just what the world is coming to nowadays, so that’s why I say you’ve just got to be prayed up and you’ve got to be safe. Know your surroundings, that’s all.”

If you have any information on this theft or you recognize the men involved, call Broward County Crime Stoppers at 954-493-TIPS. Remember, you can always remain anonymous, and you may be eligible for a $3,000 reward.

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