DAVIE, FLA. (WSVN) - Burglars have stolen over 100 birds, consisting of different species, including some owned by customers, from a Davie pet store.
The theft happened at the Birdhouse along the 6800 block of Stirling Road. Normally, the cages in front of the store would be filled with birds, but when Charlie Hong, the owner, came in on Tuesday, he noticed almost all of his birds were gone.
Surveillance video showed a subject carrying something in both hands while quickly walking behind the shops at the plaza late Monday night.
“They’re just like a dog and a cat,” Hong said. “They communicate with your body language, sound. I just love my birds. I thought it had been a nightmare.”
The store’s power was off, cages were toppled and a hole was cut in the ceiling. Roughly 140 birds in total were gone, and many were of different types, sizes and ages. Some of the birds were owned by customers who were out of town.
The missing birds are worth more than $70,000 in total.
“My heart sank. I walked in. I see a couple of birds flying around,” Hong said.
Hong said the thieves cut and climbed through the hole in the ceiling and cut off both the power and the alarm.
A few birds were left behind, including Hong’s pet, Maui.
Bill Nixon’s bird Yuey was staying at the store when the burglary happened. He came by the store to see if the bird was still there, but he could not find his pet.
“He was an older bird. He’s probably about 8 or 9 years old,” Nixon said. “What goes through my mind is death, you know? For all the birds, there’s gonna be quite– they’re probably going to lose quite a few of them.”
Hong just wants the birds returned safely.
“Just overnight, just ripped out of my heart,” he said.
Hong added he and some friends have pooled together some cash to offer a $10,000 reward for anyone with information leading to an arrest.
If you have any information on this burglary, call Davie Police or Broward County Crime Stoppers at 954-493-TIPS. Remember, you can always remain anonymous, and you may be eligible for the reward.
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