PORT EVERGLADES, FLA. (WSVN) - Sailors and other members of the U.S. Navy saluted onlookers as dozens of military vessels docked in Port Everglades to kick off Fleet Week in Broward County.

The anchors dropped on Sunday for the annual weeklong event highlighting the U.S. military and servicemen with Fort Lauderdale as their backdrop.

“We’ll be here for an entire week, with the crews out in the community helping out: one in the schools, two helping out around town in the veteran centers with nursing homes,” said U.S. Navy Rear Adm. Tom Williams, “and also hopefully to get out and help out in the community and clean up after some pretty tough flooding last week.”

In port this year is the USS Cole. It’s a homecoming for the guided missle destroyer, which was commissioned at Port Everglades in the late 1990s. A short time later, the ship would survive a terrorist attack in 2000.

Also docked is the USS New York forged with close to seven tons of steel from the World Trade Center.

Aso breaching the surface was the submarine USS Indiana.

“The military is just a slice of society, and [we’re] just showing that we’re part of you,” said U.S. Navy Command Master Chief Petty Officer Sandra Dyal.

It’s a chance to showcase the mighty military and the men and women who sacrifice it all to keep the country safe

“We look forward to walk you down here. We look forward to being out in the community,” said Williams. “If you see a sailor or a Marine or a Coast Guard [officer] out there in uniform, walk up and say hello. I’m sure they’ll enjoy the chance to meet you.”

Around 800 service members will be in town this week. They will head out of Port Everglades next Sunday.

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