COOPER CITY, FLA. (WSVN) - A precautionary boil water notice has been issued for residents in Cooper City after an electrical issue at the city’s water treatment plant caused a drop in water pressure or loss of water across the area.

The Utilities Department said they are working to resolve the issue and restore water service.

Until further notice, all Cooper City Utility customers are advised to boil water for drinking, cooking, washing fruits and vegetables, and making ice cubes. Alternatively, bottled water may be used for these purposes.

While the boil water notice is precautionary, Cooper City expects tap water to be safe after satisfactory microbiological analysis.

Water can still be used for bathing, lawn irrigation, and other non-consumptive purposes during this 48-hour period.

The City anticipates, at this time, that all water sample testing and state regulatory requirements will be satisfied by April 25, 2024 to lift the precautionary boil water notice.

This is subject to change pending state regulatory approval.

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