PEMBROKE PINES, FLA. (WSVN) - Authorities have identified and charged two teenagers and one of their mothers in connection with threats made against Somerset Academy last year.

According to Pembroke Pines Police, the multiple threats came in via phone calls starting Nov. 9. Investigators said the caller threatened “to cause widespread chaos and violence” against the students at the charter school, as well as the police officers who would be responding to the scene.

“We will fully investigate all threats to cause any violence at any school campus within our community,” said Pembroke Pines Police Capt. Adam Feiner.

Detectives believe those responsible for the threats are part of an informal group of gamers, adding that the out-of-state suspects are not attached to the school.

“The threat lasted for a full week, beginning Monday, ending on a Friday, with threats of violence to shoot and kill students, staff, community members and responding police officers,” said Feiner.

Juan Antonio Banos of Michigan surrendered to authorities on Wednesday. The 14-year-old faces charges including making a threat involving a destructive device, unlawful use of a communication device, threats or harassment and disrupting an educational institution.

Logan James Gollinger, 15, of New York, was arrested by New York State Police on Jan. 3 and remains in state custody.

An extradition hearing will determine when he will be transferred to Florida. Gollinger faces similar charges, excluding threats or harassment.

Gollinger’s mother, Elizabeth Smith, was also arrested on Jan. 3 in New York. Authorities said she instructed her son to delete evidence related to the investigation.

At the time the threats were made, investigators said, neither school officials nor police talked about the nature of the threats, but that week, school officials prohibited students from bringing in backpacks, book bags or lunch boxes.

7News spoke with several students at the time.

“I have my lunch in a plastic bag, along with my wallet and my charger for my phone. We’re not supposed to bring a purse that’s bigger than a piece of coffee paper,” said a student, “and then I also brought my bottle water. I don’t know if this is allowed today, but I still brought it just in case I get thirsty. But that’s really all you can bring.”

“I think it’s a really messed up thing that’s been going on. You know, kids shouldn’t be going to school thinking they’re about to get shot up or think about all that stuff,” said another.

“There’s always threats, but I guess this one is more serious. You can’t bring any bags or anything,” said a third student.

In a statement, a Pembroke Pines Police spokesperson wrote:

“Although Gollinger and Banos used multiple techniques to conceal their identities, police officers identified and arrested each person for their role in threatening to cause harm at a school campus. We remind parents to please speak to your children about the seriousness of these crimes.”

However, in a social media post, a relative of Gollinger and Smith claimed the teen and his mother are innocent, adding that Banos, who had been gaming with Gollinger, hacked Gollinger’s IP address to call in the threat.

In another social media post, Smith wrote:

“Please pray that we are found innocent, the real truth comes out, and all this gets dropped. I have been through hell in my life and this tops it all.”

But police said that while they found no conneciton to the school, they believe the teens worked together to create the threat.

“They are part of a bigger, more organized group, that makes either swatting-type calls or threats to cause violence, either at a school campus or other educational institutions,” said Feiner. “Threats toward any school campus will not be tolerated.”

Smith faces a felony charge of solicitation to commit tampering with physical evidence. She was released on bond but is expected to surrender to Pembroke Pines Police later this month.

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