FORT LAUDERDALE, FLA. (WSVN) - Police officers gathered in the parking lot of a Fort Lauderdale community to distribute flyers to residents in the area after a sketch was released of a man suspected of kidnapping and sexual battery.
Fort Lauderdale Police Department officers said they are looking for a dangerous criminal as they passed out flyers to residents on Friday afternoon after a man assaulted a woman in the area over the weekend.
According to police, the man carjacked a couple in the downtown area of the city around 5 a.m. Saturday and forced them to drive. The male victim jumped out of the car and left the woman behind with the criminal. The suspect then drove the woman to several ATMs to withdraw cash before he sexually assaulted her. Authorities said the subject left the car along Interstate 95 near Oakland Park Boulevard.
Fort Lauderdale Police officers said the circumstances that occurred overnight were similar to the kidnapping and carjacking situation. Police are investigating a possible crime connection between the recent carjacking and one that happened over the weekend.
“Unfortunately, we had another similar incident that occurred overnight,” said Casey Liening with the FLPD. “We do not know for a fact if this incident is related or done by the same suspect but we are investigating all possibilities. There are a lot of similar circumstances in this incident that relate to the Saturday incident such as an armed carjacking and armed kidnapping. Two hours in length approximately and it all started here in downtown Fort Lauderdale.”
If you have any information on this crime, call Broward County Crime Stoppers at 954-493-TIPS. Remember, you can always remain anonymous, and you may be eligible for a reward of up to $5,000.
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