PARKLAND, FLA. (WSVN) - The parents of Joaquin Oliver, a student who was killed in the 2018 Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School shooting, are hitting the road as they continue their call for change when it comes to gun violence.

On Monday, Manuel and Patricia Oliver left Parkland in what they called the “Guac’s School bus,” which was a nickname for their son. The Oliver’s are headed straight to Orlando to the site of the Pulse nightclub shooting that took place in 2016.

Once they arrive, the Oliver’s will meet with survivors, family members of the victims and state leaders. They plan on visiting 24 cities that have been affected by gun violence.

The words “never forget” is what the community of Parkland said after the high school massacre. It is also something the Oliver’s continue to say.

“We’re in the same spot,” Manuel said. “Never forget.”

In order to remind everyone, they are taking a tour of the country to places that have been affected by gun violence such as Orlando, Sandy Hook and now Baltimore, after a mass shooting took place during the weekend.

“The 23 cities that we are going to be going and visiting, they are some of those communities because they are much more, that are being affected to gun violence,” Patricia said. “We want to bring some hope, we want to bring that perseverance that we have to keep in our heads, in our minds and in our hearts, because this fight is hard to keep going.”

The Oliver’s, along with other Parkland relatives and members of Mom’s Demand Action, will visit these cities for the next two months as they offer solutions to combat gun violence.

“What is more patriotic and loyal to out country, endorse gun industries or save lives?” Manuel said. “Well, I feel we are going to be more patriotic going around all the nation waving that flag.”

“There’s a sign inside MSD that says ‘be the change you wish to see in the world,’ we’re hear today because five years ago, Manny and Patricia, other families and students, chose to be that change by standing up and demanded action on common sense gun reform and school safety,” said a member of Mom’s Demand Change.

Sam Schwartz, whose cousin died in the Parkland shooting, also spoke on ways to achieve change.

“We need all of us, we need to be out there doing widespread youth voter registration, we need to be doing canvassing with up and coming Democratic candidates trying to flip red districts blue,” Schwartz said. “If we don’t do this, if all us doesn’t contribute, I promise you it will be a repeat of 2016.”

These parents will continue to turn their pain into their purpose.

“Me, as a mom, I want Joaquin to be very proud of every single thing that we do,” Patricia said.

“Well I’m not letting people stop talking about Parkland, it won’t happen, and that’s why we’re visting these cities because they feel exactly what we feel,” Manuel said.

Along the way, the Oliver’s will be picking up people who want to join their caravan. After their two month cross-country trip, they will end up in Washington D.C.

A Gofundme was created for their nationwide trip.

If you’d like to donate, click here.

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