PEMBROKE PINES, FLA. (WSVN) - South Floridians continue to send support to the victims of the California wildfires.

Mobile Mike Public Relations teamed up with 20 local law enforcement agencies to collect donations to support those most affected.

The latest two-day collection is happening at the Shops at Pembroke Gardens in Pembroke Pines.

“We’ve got 10 moving trucks behind you that we need to fill up, so please come out here,” said “Mobile Mike” with Mobile Mike Public Relations, “and next week, we’re gonna visit California along with our friends at GEM, which is Global Empowerment Mission, and we’re gonna deliver the goods to the people that desperately need it, so please come out here and donate.”

Mobile Mike will remain at the shopping center until 10 p.m. on Thursday, and will be back again on Friday from 6 a.m. until 10 p.m.

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