FORT LAUDERDALE, FLA. (WSVN) - An elderly man, who was badly beaten, is recounting the terrifying moments an intruder attacked him inside his Fort Lauderdale apartment.

Seventy-three-year-old Norm is attempting to get back into his routine after he was beaten and left bruised over the weekend.

“I thought he was going to kill me. He was very hardcore,” he said.

According to police, 48-year-old Joseph Soini attacked the 73-year-old inside his apartment at Leisure Beach South on Fort Lauderdale Beach.

“Give me your money. Give me your money. At first, I guess that’s probably another mistake I made. I said, well you know, I don’t have anything,” he said.” He kept beating me and choking me.”

The building surveillance showed Soini go up in the elevator and then come back down and walk into Norm’s first-floor unit.

Minutes later, Norm returned from taking out the trash.

“I went in, took a few steps, this guy comes out and says ‘Get on the floor and put your head down,’ and then he started kicking and beat me,” he said.

Norm said that the man first demanded money and then beat him senselessly with a trophy. He added that he felt his life flashing before his eyes.

“Then he said ‘Ball up, I’m going to light you on fire.’ I said ‘Come on man I don’t want to die'” he said.

Soini eventually stole thousands of dollars and Norm’s bike and car.

“Where I made my big mistake is I didn’t lock my door on the way out,” said Norm.

Police tracked Soini down early Saturday in the car off of Federal Highway. Officials used a grappler to take down the stolen vehicle.

According to court records, Soini has a three-decade-long criminal past, including grand theft auto and burglary.

He appeared in court on Sunday and was charged with grand theft auto and possession of cocaine.

On Monday, Fort Lauderdale Police released the 911 calls that Norm made following the attack.

“There was an intruder that came in. I can’t even stand. I left to the garbage and I left my door unlocked. He came into my apartment and went through everything, threw everything all over the place, and he started beating me up and want money,” Norm told a 911 dispatcher.

“OK, so is he there now?” said the operator.

“He hit me and everything and I gave him all the money I had and then he (inaudible). Thank God. He said he was going to kill me,” said Norm.

“OK, and how long was this ago?” said the operator.

“About an half-hour ago. He took my car, took my car keys,” said Norm.

BSO also provided footage of the moment Soini was caught and cuffed by deputies after beating up Norm.

Soini is being held on a $15,000 bond at the Broward County Jail. Prosecutors are expected to file additional charges.

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