FORT LAUDERDALE, FLA. (WSVN) - It’s home sweet home for a kitten after the feline was pulled from a pipe.

The terrific twist comes one week after the rescue, and it involves someone who came to the rescue.

When this little guy’s rescue made the news, one of the firefighters, Capt. Robert Ricci, called his wife.

“He told me that I needed to watch the news,” said Elizabeth Ricci, “and at the end of the story, it said a firefighter said they would be interested in adopting the kitten.”

“They said something about good news, and then I heard like, ‘We’re adopting a kitten!'” said daughter Sophia. “I started crying because I was having happy tears.”

So that’s how Sophia and Ellie, and little Gavin, found out they were getting a cat.

This little guy weighed only about a pound when he was pulled from a sewer last Monday. Now he’s up about 10 more ounces, clean, healthy and ready to go.

He even got a new name.

“I was like ‘Wow, shouldn’t the name be Oliver?’ because I thought of it in my head, and I just said it, and then my parents were like, ‘Yeah, that’s a good name!'” Sophia said.

“My family had been asking for a cat leading up to Christmas,” Robert said, “and with the rescue, it just felt like the right time.”

It was also a good time to remember, in a year of distance and isolation, some cuddles are safe.

“It’s been a crazy year working from home, having the kids home from school at the same time. It’s definitely been a learning curve for all of us, so we are very excited the year is ending on a very positive note,” Elizabeth said.

So, while everyone is hoping for a better 2021, things are looking up for this guy. He’s got toys, a new bed and a family to love.

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