FORT LAUDERDALE, FLA. (WSVN) - Masks are key to combating the spread of COVID-19, but some in South Florida don’t want to comply with the rule.
Fort Lauderdale residents held an anti-mask protest outside the Broward County Courthouse Friday morning led by Republican State Rep. Anthony Sabatini, who is filing a lawsuit against the county for requiring masks to be worn in public.
Sabatini called forcing people to wear masks in public unconstitutional.
“It violates our privacy clause, one of the most robust privacy clauses in the country. It violates due process. I should’ve named that first, that’s the first thing it does,” he said.
Sabatini claims that the requirement to wear masks in public endangers people and hurts business owners like gym owner Mike Carnevale, who runs Fitness 1440.
“It’s time to rise above the fear, and it’s time to really start using common sense, and let’s lock into our intuition. Let’s start listening to our hearts on these issues,” Carnavale said.
“If I can play my part and wear a mask, that’s what I’m gonna do,” said a masked resident.
Not everyone opposes the order. In Miami, residents and visitors are required to wear face coverings to avoid a fine.
City of Miami Police officers patrolled the city Thursday to look for and find uncovered faces, leaving some forced to pay up.
“I think it’s hilarious and disturbing,” said an unmasked Miami resident.
Regardless of opinions, first-time warnings are now a thing of the past. The rule changes come as COVID-19 cases continue to climb. If you’re caught not wearing a mask, you’ll be fined $100 if it’s your first or second time. If it happens a third time, you’ll face arrest and a notice to appear in court.
“It’s all very ridiculous,” said the unmasked Miami resident.
So far during the pandemic, Miami Police have logged in 115 tickets, 59 written warnings, 41 for $50 fines, and 15 for $100 fines.
“Stay out of the business of people. Give people the information, let them know the information about masks, health, all this stuff, and let them make their own decisions,” Sabatini said.
In the lawsuit Sabatini is filing against Broward County, Carnevale is named as the plaintiff.
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