TAMARAC, FLA. (WSVN) - A driver is sharing his horror days after he was pulled out of his car at gunpoint and his car was taken during a chaotic and violent chase.

Dr. Emilian Cristea was coming home from work when he had a terrifying run-in, and as people saw on live TV, he was carjacked by a man with a gun.

The chase was first seen on 7News on Wednesday. It started in Miami-Dade, crossed into Broward and then sped into Palm Beach County before traversing back into Broward again.

Two people inside a stolen car drove dangerously and at incredibly high speeds.

The chase ended along Commercial Boulevard in Tamarac, when one of the suspects got out of the car and stole Cristea’s car.

The doctor told 7News Friday evening that he feared the worst.

“A guy comes out, comes with a machine gun, with a rifle, whatever it was, and points the gun towards me, ‘Get out of the car, get out of the car,’ and then some f-words there,” Cristea said. “I was very scared. I thought for a moment to run away, and I just didn’t.”

After Cristea car was jacked, police rammed into it to stop it.

One of the suspects ran off, swam across a canal and hid inside a home before he finally surrendered.

The second suspect was caught by police, near the scene of the carjacking.

“I just want to thank my family,” Cristea said. “I want to thank the police and the friends and everybody that reached out. That meant a lot to me.”

Both suspects face a slew of charges and remain behind bars.

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