DANIA BEACH, FLA. (WSVN) - A Broward County animal shelter is asking the public for help in adopting their pets as they reach their maximum capacity.
Officials at Broward County Animal Care’s shelter in Dania Beach said 30 of their current sheltered dogs have been there for at least 100 days, while others have been there longer.
“We’re really trying to concentrate on getting our population of dogs reduced,” said Broward County Animal Care spokesperson Doug Brightwell. “Thirteen of them have been with us over 200 days. Some of them close to 300 days.”
The shelter is a no-kill shelter, but officials are looking for potential adopters to take the dogs into their homes.
To sweeten the deal, the shelter is willing to make it cheap for these potential adopters.
The shelter said they are willing to provide free adoption, shots and food for the rest of the dog’s life.
“They go home with lifetime provision preventive care, their annual shots and for food,” said Brightwell.
Now that’s something to bark about.
The shelter said that while it can be loud inside the kennels, they do have quiet areas where potential adopters can spend time with the dogs.
One of the dogs a person can meet is May. She has been living in the shelter for over 100 days, so she is part of the pet project.
As part of the pet project, those who are willing to adopt could be helped with vet services to make sure the dog goes to their forever home safely.
In Miami-Dade, the shelters are full as well.
One of the shelters in Medley suffered through a heat wave in the past weeks, and a popular fan company came in and donated fans.
“It’s gonna make a huge difference bringing the temperature down. They have misting elements that will make it cooler for the dogs” said Miami-Dade Animal Services spokesperson Annette Jose.
The summer heat has arrived, and it’s a perfect time to add a new four-legged member to the family.
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