FORT LAUDERDALE, FLA. (WSVN) - It was adoption day for several Shih Tzus puppies after their previous owner was unable to take care of them.

One of the puppies, 3-year-old Dexter, looked happy as ever on Friday as he was being petted and pampered by his new owner.

Seventy-eight-year-old Diana Tarrant also looked happy after she adopted Dexter.

The Shih Tzu’s new owner said she recently lost her cat and dog, and she lost her husband six years ago.

“I’m here by myself, I’ve just been lonely,” Tarrant said. “I wanted a puppy.”

Dexter and nine other Shih Tzus were rescued from living in unsanitary conditions in a home in Plantation after someone complained of an odor coming from inside.

When police investigated, they found the pups were underweight, and their hair was so matted that it was cutting off their circulation. They also had feces attached to their skin.

Their elderly owner voluntarily gave them up, and they were brought to the Humane Society of Broward County.

7News aired their story on Wednesday, and by Friday, there were over 100 applications for the pups.

“When we came in this morning, there were over 125 adoption applications for the dogs,” said Cherie Wachter with the Humane Society of Broward County.

The Humane Society posted a video of the people and families who saw the story and adopted the 10 dogs.

One of the new owners in the video is Tarrant, who said she’s thankful to give Dexter a new life, because he definitely saved hers.

“I’m not by myself. I have a new being with me that I want to take care of,” she said, “and I hope he loves me as much, as I’m loving him so far.”

The rescued dogs were between the ages of six months to four years old.

If you’d like to adopt a pet from the Humane Society of Broward County, click here.

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