KEY BISCAYNE, FLA. (WSVN) - The Boys & Girls Club of Broward County held their annual rendezvous event over the weekend.

The most celebrated annual yachting event was held at the Fisher Island Club in Key Biscayne.

Guests were thrilled as they got to yacht hop while they dined around the docks. “It’s a way to get a bunch of yacht owners together with all their friends and enjoy both Fisher Island as well as be able to support the Boys & Girls Club of Broward County,” said Rita Case of Rick Case Automotive Group.

Rick and Rita Case, the founders of the event, were just as excited to make this a memorable weekend for all their guests. “It’s our biggest part of the fundraising weekend that we have,” said Rick Case. “We’ve got live entertainment, and it’s just a fantastic party.”

And as if the party wasn’t enough of a treat, Boys & Girls Club of Broward County alumni got to rock out with pop singer Jason Derulo.

For the past 31 years, the gala has raised more than $30 million for the organization.

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