OPA-LOCKA, FLA. (WSVN) - Authorities are investigating a police-involved shooting in Opa-Locka after an officer opened fire on a man who was walking down the street with a gun in his hand.
The incident occurred near Northwest 22nd Court and 147th Street, just before 7 p.m., Monday.
The Chief of Police said officers responded to the man walking down Opa-Locka Boulevard. Officers eventually noticed the man was holding a gun and backup was called.
According to police, the man was not listening to orders from the police to drop his weapon or to halt. That was when an officer shot the man, police said.
A witness, Edward Daley, was working at the time, at a car repair shop, when a work neighbor yelled out.
“That the guy was walking in front of the police car with a gun in his hand,” Daley said.
Daily said the man started to antagonize the police officer.
“The police officer that followed him, the guy, that man is a great officer, he did not approach, he took his own time, and he called for backup,” Daley said.
The man was taken into custody and then rushed to the hospital. He is expected to be OK.
Florida Department of Law Enforcement took over the investigation as in any police-involved shooting scenario.
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