MIAMI (WSVN) - The Archdiocese of Miami has issued several guidelines to parishes holding Mass across South Florida to help prevent the spread of the coronavirus.

Archbishop Thomas Wenski announced the precautionary suggestions after the first two cases of the new virus were confirmed in Florida, Monday.

“I understand where the archbishop is coming from, and I think he is implementing the right measures for the safety of all of the parishioners,” Anna Salloum, a parishioner, said.

Some of the changes include a temporary suspension of the minor chalices used for the distribution of the Precious Blood and a temporary suspension of the communal Sign of Peace (kissing or shaking of hands). Parishioners are also asked not to hold hands during the recitation/chanting of the Our Father.

The archdiocese also announced a temporary suspension of the greeting before Mass, and parishes will be emptying the holy water fonts at the church doors.

“If the archbishop decides that he doesn’t want to implement the exchange of peace, then I’m OK with it, given the situation going on,” Salloum said.

The Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion will use anti-bacterial soap before and after the sacrament’s distribution. Ministers who feel uncomfortable distributing communion will be allowed to temporarily step down from ministry, the archdiocese said.

Officials said it is at the parishioners’ discretion whether or not they shake hands while greeting other parishioners before or after the Mass.

Some parishioners, like Miguel Eustatinaga, said they are not worried.

“In the communion, they recommend that you get it in the hand,” he said. “I believe in Jesus, and he protects me, and whatever is going to happen is going to happen.”

Local mosques have also implemented steps to prevent the coronavirus from spreading. Religious leaders used the scripture to teach lessons about basic steps believers can take to prevent getting sick.

“From a spiritual point of view, Islam teaches us a lot of hygiene,” Shaikh Shafayat of the Darul Uloom Institute said. “Before we pray, we’ve got to do something called ablution, wash your hands, wash your face.”

The archdiocese is also encouraging those that are feeling unwell or have flu-like symptoms to stay home.

Archdiocese officials said they will announce further changes in the upcoming days should circumstances surrounding the virus change.

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