FORT LAUDERDALE, FLA. (WSVN) - A woman got the scare of her life when an angry driver followed her as she pulled over and attacked her with a metal baseball bat.

The woman, who did not want to be identified, told 7News that she was driving in Fort Lauderdale when the driver behind her began to flash her high beam headlights multiple times. She believes the driver thought she was driving too slow.

That’s when the road rage victim pulled into a parking lot just off of Northwest 19th Street and said the aggressor followed suit before attacking her with the bat. Her passenger was also an accomplice, she said.

“I was scared. I didn’t know what to do,” said the victim. “I just had to get in the car and just go.”

Cellphone video taken on April 23 shows the angry driver, identified as 21-year-old Tiesha Thomas, holding a baseball bat.

That video has been collected by Fort Lauderdale Police as evidence.

The victim said the angry driver hit her in the back, dented the vehicle she was driving and bashed out the car’s windows.

“It was a steel bat. She hit me very hard,” the woman said. “All of it shattered, everything. Just disgusting. Why would she do that?”

The attackers then drove off but not before the victim captured their license plate with her cellphone.

Police officers caught up with the accused attacker and arrested her Tuesday night. Thomas faced a judge in bond court, Wednesday.

Thomas was charged with aggravated battery, aggravated assault with a deadly weapon and criminal mischief. It remains unclear if her passenger was also arrested.

“I hope that she sits and does time because she deserves it. I could have been dead,” said the victim.

Thomas is in jail on $6,000 bond.

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