DAVIE, FLA. (WSVN) - A Davie masseur arrested for the alleged sexual molestation of a minor now has additional victims speaking out against him, police said.
According to Davie Police, four additional victims have come forward to allege that the 29-year-old masseur, Orlay Palacio, also inappropriately touched them. Police said they are looking for any more victims.
This all began when, police said, the original 17-year-old female victim and her older cousin went to the Massage and Stretch Center, near Griffin Road and South University Drive, on May 3, to get massages. The girl said Palacio touched her inappropriately multiple times and also touched himself during the massage.
“She was told to fully undress including her underwear, which she thought was a bit odd,” said Davie Police Sgt. Mark Leone, “so she decided at that point to leave her underwear on. Some time during the massage, the offender had removed her underwear and began to place his hands between her legs.”
The girl told police she didn’t say anything because she felt alone and afraid.
Police believe there may be even more victims.
“It takes a lot of courage to come forward, especially in cases like this,” said Davie Police Capt. Dale Engle, “and I think we’ve been able to get him off the streets so far, but I think that their story is gonna lead to him being charged with multiple counts.”
Palacio currently faces a charge of lewd lascivious conduct on a minor.
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