MIAMI (WSVN) - Surveillance video from a Miami home captured three crooks breaking into a Miami home while the homeowners were away on vacation.
The break-in happened in the area of Southwest Fifth Avenue and 28th Road, at around 9 p.m., Friday.
The homeowner, who spoke on condition of anonymity, said he knew something was wrong when he saw his indoor cats roaming around outside of the home. That’s when, he said, he scrolled back to the night before and saw the crooks breaking in.
“It’s one of those things you don’t believe it,” the homeowner said. “You see it, and you don’t believe it.”
According to the homeowner, the theft left him with a broken back door and missing thousands in valuables.
“They walked away with basically all of the heirlooms of our family,” the homeowner said.
Three crooks wearing hoodies and hats could be seen working fast and searching for valuables around the home. The crooks then located two safes and his wife’s purse, the homeowner added.
“In one video, you hear them all excited that they found my wife’s purse, and you see them lug away the safes and the purse,” he said.
In addition to stealing irreplaceable family heirlooms, the stolen safes were also packed with paperwork.
“Passports, social security cards, marriage certificates, birth certificates, titles to cars, everything,” the homeowner said.
Throughout most of the video, the crooks covered their faces. However, one of the crooks waved at what may have looked like a motion sensor light, but instead, it was a camera, and all three thieves looked straight at it.
The homeowner hopes the police will receive tips after the public looks at the crooks’ faces. He wants them taken into custody before someone else is faced with the same headache and heartbreak.
“Oh, I’m sure we weren’t the first, and we won’t be the last until somebody gets these people,” the homeowner said. “It’s going to happen to someone else.”
If you have any information on this burglary, call Miami-Dade Crime Stoppers at 305-471-TIPS. Remember, you can always remain anonymous, and you may be eligible for a $1,000 reward.
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