WESTON, FLA. (WSVN) - - A computer repair store owner in Weston is reeling, nearly two weeks after, he said, three men smashed their way into his business.
Surveillance video captured one of the subjects crouched in the bushes in front of Fix Apple Now, located along the 2800 block of Weston Road, Aug. 20, in the early morning hours.
The footage then shows the perpetrator approaching the glass door and smashing it with a hammer. His two accomplices, each wearing bright reddish pink caps, are then seen entering the frame as all three of them run into the business.
Store owner Mikhail Tsimafeyeu said he feels violated. “It’s very personal. It’s like someone broke into my house,” he said.
Tsimafeyeu, who is originally from Belarus, said he spent four years building his computer and phone repair business.
“It looked like it was just a bunch of kids,” he said.
It is difficult to say whether the burglars are minors. The video shows the trio quickly rummaging through the business as a black and white poster of Apple co-founder Steve Jobs looks on.
The footage shows the thieves looking under the counter before breaking open a back door. The subjects are then seen grabbing objects from the back office and repair area.
Tsimafeyeu listed some of the items that, he said, the trio stole. “Some iMacs, Apple iMacs, some Apple laptops and some parts, very expensive parts,” he said.
The thieves also scooped up as many accessories as they could carry
Tsimafeyeu, who has resided in the U.S. for 12 years, said he received a call from his alarm company and watched the burglary through the surveillance video as it unfolded, in the moments before police arrived.

“It’s definitely heartbreaking that it’s my business. I put a lot of time and effort into running it and making it right,” said Tsimafeyeu.
But what will make things right at this point, the business owner said, is for these burglars to get caught.
If you have any information on this burglary, call Broward County Crime Stoppers at 954-493-TIPS. Remember, you can always remain anonymous, and you may be eligible for a $3,000 reward.
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