The South Florida sun blares down year-round putting many people at risk for skin cancer. "MelApp" helps you keep an eye out for trouble by spotting the most dangerous and deadly skin cancer-melanoma.
Take a picture of any mole or freckle of concern and hit check risk, and MelApp tells if the mole could be melanoma. You can also store and archive photos so you can track changes in moles over time.
If you're not feeling well, you can start taking care of yourself with our next app. "iTriage" created by two ER doctors helps you decide what might be wrong. Then suggests where to go for treatment with lists of local doctors, and medical facilities. You can also store personal health records and make appointments.
If there's an emergency, our next app can help. First Aid helps you follow the correct medical procedures from treating burns to administering CPR. The app tells you what to do until help arrives.
MelApp costs $1.99. First Aid is 99 cents and iTriage is free.
First Aid