WSVN — On a motorcycle. On the road. For many riders its paradise. It was for Larry Granpa. The 30-year-old Hollywood man loved biking. He loved life.Karen Ross: I don't care where he went he made tons of friends, and he always just made you smile."He was a great son. A great brother.Shellee Ross: He was more than my brother, like everytime I had an issue I could call him and talk to him, like he was my best friend."Then in February 2008 Larry left a bar in Hollywood called Shenanigans and headed home.He was on I-95 heading south near Griffin Road when he ran into the back of a cab.Sgt. Mark Wysocky: "And that impact caused him to be ejected off the motorcycle into the center lanes of southbound Interstate 95."Larry survived the crash. Then when he started to stand up to get off the interstate, another car hit him.Karen Ross: "It wasn't like they just hit him, according to the police report, they drug my son 492 feet down I-95 under their car.:Losing your son is a nightmare. Losing Larry that way tortures Karen.Karen Ross: "My skin burns constantly thinking of what my son could have went through. The paramedics said he probably didn't feel anything but I know better. I know better."The driver of the car a 2001 Volkswagen Passat never stopped. Just kept right on going after dragging Larry nearly 500 feet.Shellee Ross: "My brother's not little-he's not a little guy he was big. You just keep going? I don't get it."Only the driver of the white Volkswagen that just kept dragging Larry down the interstate can answer that. But Sgt.Wysocky can speculate from experience.Sgt. Mark Wysocky: "The person could have been intoxicated. They may have had a suspended license. They may have had no insurance. They may have been illegal. There's a number of reasons that somebody won't stop."A lot of bad reasons to keep going but no excuse. The driver killed Larry the driver got away with it. And Larrys family will never be able to live with that.Karen Ross: "I said I want to see my son and they said, 'No.' Larrys body was so badly mangled they wouldn't let Karen see him. Karen Ross: "I never even got to hold him."Today, Karen wears a locket around her neck with some of Larrys ashes. It reads "Always in my Heart."Karen Ross: "He's my angel. He's my angel."Meantime, the Florida Highway Patrol looks for the devil that killed Larry and just drove away.Sgt. Mark Wysocky: "This would be the front part of the grille that was missing."The Volkswagen hit Larry so hard pieces of the car were left on I-95. But putting together the puzzle to catch that driver is not easy..Karen Ross: "That's just too big of a secret to keep from to keep all to yourself."Sgt. Mark Wysocky: "It is amazing to me that somebody could just go on with their normal life after they've run over somebody on an interstate highway. It amazes me. I don't know how a person could live like that."The driver of the white Volkswagen Passat knows they ran over and killed someone in 2008. They left part of their car there, so odds are someone else knows. Now is the time to give Broward Crimestoppers a call.And if you have lost a loved one and want to remind people who have forgotten, give us a call and show you are still Out for Justice.Out For Justice: Miami-Dade: 305-598-HELP (4357)Broward: 954-796-HELP (4357)