WSVN — Do you know what a "dominatrix" is? Do you know who she calls her "slaves?" If not, you are about to find out. One mother who discovered what was going on is stunned after her son went there to visit his father. Now, as Patrick Fraser reports, she is claiming it is indecent exposure.

There is a cage, there is a mask, and there is a whip.

Melissa Fritz, Mistress Take: "One of my favorite tools is the riding crop. It’s used for localized spanking. It’s good for like the feet, the hands and the bottom."

Sometimes in that cage, the person who is wearing the mask and getting spanked is a man who is in charge of it all — a dominatrix.

Melissa Fritz: "I like this because I’m really excited about what I do, so I like to give a good whack."

Her customers, called "slaves," call her Mistress Take, but her real name is Melissa Fritz. She lives in a nice home in South Florida.

Melissa Fritz: "This is my in-home dungeon. It’s a room that I have converted into a dungeon. That way I’m able to do my business in a controlled environment. I don’t go out to random places, which is not safe."

Her room, her "dungeon," is filled with everything a dominatrix might need, and a curious man might want.

Melissa Fritz: "A lot of my customers are new. It’s something that they’ve never tried, they want to get into. They’re interested in it, so they wanted to have the experience."

And what does a South Florida man experience as a "slave" to the domineering woman?

Melissa Fritz: "I do a lot of corporal punishment or light beatings, floggings. What they’re paying for is time to be here for whatever fetish they may be."

Melissa says many things happen in this room. One thing does not occur.

Melissa Fritz: "When I do my sessions, I do not have sex of any type."

Melissa and her slaves call it a lifestyle choice. A perfectly legal interaction between two consenting adults. It may be perfectly legal to them, but its pretty infuriating to one woman.

Marisol Rios: "And that she pinches him sometimes until he bleeds, and I thought, ‘That is disturbing for a kid to see that.’"

Marisol Rios’ ex-husband lives with Mistress Take.

Marisol has a son with her ex-husband, and the boy spends two weekends a month with his dad. He has told his mom what he sees.

Marisol Rios: "He described also a pig mask, where he is terribly afraid of this pig mask, and I saw that big mask on the website."

Melissa also has a child, a daughter from a prior relationship, and says nothing ever happens when the children are in the house.

Melissa Fritz: "I do my sessions when no one is here. So, when their kids aren’t here, my daughter goes away and that’s the weekend where it’s the adult weekend."

Marisol didn’t believe that claim, so she went on Mistress Take’s website, saved the pictures and called the Florida Department of Children and Families.

Marisol Rios: "So there is now an open investigation. A DCF social worker did go to my son’s school and she went to the house, but she did not find at the house what I showed her pictures of."

Mistress Take says the Department of Children and Families shouldn’t be involved, because when the kids are around, the door to the dungeon is locked, and as as far as the kids know, it’s a normal home.

Melissa Fritz: "You have to have that balance in life. At one point, I’m doing what everyone would think is wild and crazy. And then the other day, I’m here jumping on the trampoline playing dodge ball."

Marisol wants her son to have fun with his father, just not in that environment.

Marisol Rios: "It was disturbing. The entire lifestyle was just disturbing to me."

Disturbing to Marisol. Delightful to Melissa. But the Department of Children and Families could be deciding if it’s indecent exposure.

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