WSVN — Jeanude Raymonvil and a neighbor were on the front porch of a Miramar home she has lived in for months.
Carmel: "Can you please explain to me how it is that you're living here?"
Jeanude Raymonvil: "No comment, what is going on?"
The person who actually owns this home told us Raymonvil had no right to be here.
Jeanude Raymonvil: "Are you serious? This lady has me on the news now?"
Carmel: "Yeah, I'm afraid so. So can you tell me why you're here?"
Jeanude Raymonvil: "No, I'm not telling anything."
Frank and Carmen Barbosa say they did not rent it to Raymonvil, have not been paid a penny by her, and want her out.
They say they even had a buyer for the empty home until Raymonvil moved in while they were out of town.
Carmel: "So why are they still here?"
Frank Barbosa: "The police won't take them out cause they have a lease, but it's not with me, or my wife."
Carmen Barbosa: "This is ridiculous."
Raymonvil has been evicted from properties in the past.
Carmel: "How many people live here?"
Jeanude Raymonvil: "None of your business."
Carmel: "How long have you been here?"
Jeanude Raymonvil: "None of your business."
This man came out of the house.
Carmel: "You don't live here?"
Man: "(Expletive) You. Get the (expletive) Off this property."
And then Raymonvil called police on us.
Jeanude Raymonvil: "Yes, I have a Channel 7 News reporter here on my property, and I need her to be removed."
It wasn't the first time officers have been called here.
The Barbosa's have called trying to get Raymonvil out.
But because she produced a lease, police could not take immediate action.
We've obtained a copy of the lease with a signature that's hard to make out, but the Barbosa's are clear neither of them signed it.
Frank Barbosa: "I'm a disabled vet. I live on a fixed income. I don't have $900 to pay a lawyer to get them out of this house."
Carmel: "This has been a nightmare, hasn't it?"
Frank Barbosa: "It's not a $5 million home like the one up in Boca, but it's still our home."
Carmen Barbosa: "It's still our home."
They're talking about the squatter who took over a mansion and made national headlines.
Carmel: "Lawmakers in Tallahassee are considering changes in the law to make it easier for authorities to deal with empty properties and people who take advantage of the situation. But that's of little help today."
Tania Rues: "You know, we're dealing with squatters. We're dealing with unfortunately sometimes occupants that are victims themselves."
Miramar Police say they've seen cases where people change locks and collect money for homes they have no right to rent.
Carmel: "It gets complicated, doesn't it?"
Tania Rues: "It can be. In this particular case, the occupant believed, or she said she believed, that she was entering into a legal lease."
After we first questioned her, Raymonvil posted private property and no trespassing signs. But it did no good.
Police issued her a trespass warning which they say she knew was coming and ordered her to move out or be arrested.
Frank Barbosa: "Everything was clean when we left this house, there was no trash in the backyard or nothing."
And for the first time the Barbosa's got to see what as going on inside their home.
They say the central air unit is gone and so are hurricane shutters that were in the garage.
But at least they're getting their property back.
Carmel: "Do you have anything you want to say, about being ordered out for trespassing?"
Jeanude Raymonvil: "No, no, just God bless everybody."