(WSVN) - A South Florida man paid his rent on time, but then the rental office was robbed and his money stolen — and that was just the start of his trouble. So he called Help Me Howard with Patrick Fraser.
His name is Shaun Licari. A good Italian boy, and you know what that means — he knows a thing or two about cooking.
Shaun Licari, rent money stolen: “I love cooking, love being in the restaurant business. I have been in it for over 20 years.”
Shaun is a good cook, a good father and a good provider, which is why he makes sure to pay all his bills on time.
Shaun Licari: “Never been late. Never been late. I pay my bills on time, all the time.”
In January, Shaun got three money orders to pay the rent: two that were $500 each and the third for $5.”
He then took them to the office and put them in their drop box.
Shaun Licari: “We made them out to 72 West [Apartments]. We wrote on the money orders, all three of them, you know, 72 West.”
And then…
Shaun Licari: “And then it was stolen. Somebody supposedly went in there with a wire hanger and a sticky substance and stole my money orders, and supposedly three or four other residents’.”
Strangely, Shaun’s $500 money orders had disappeared. He says the $5 money order was left in the rent box.
And one of Shaun’s neighbors called Help Me Howard and told us his money orders were stolen from the rent box as well.
The residents who paid with money orders took their receipts to show the proof to the rental office … but more bad news.
They were told they had to pay their January rent again.
Shaun Licari: “This is ridiculous. I made out the three money orders to 72 West. I can’t help that they were stolen. I did my job as a resident. I paid you guys like I always do.”
Shaun thought he had won and that was the end of it. Then he went in to pay February’s rent.
Shaun Licari: “They’re like, ‘You have an outstanding balance.’ And I’m like, ‘Why would I have an outstanding balance?’ I cant help you guys; drop box was stolen out of.”
Shaun still refused to pay January’s rent.
Next thing he knew, he got a three-day eviction notice and was told they would not accept his March rent.
Shaun Licari: “It’s troubling. It’s aggravating. You know, it’s really stressful. My wife is very nervous about it. It’s upsetting for me.”
Well, Howard, if you pay rent and it’s stolen, do you have to pay again?
Howard Finkelstein, 7News legal expert: “Absolutely not. Once you put that rent money in the box that the landlord provides, legally it’s in their possession and the rent is paid. If it disappears, that’s the landlord’s problem.”
I talked to the corporate office that oversees 72 West Apartments in Tamarac.
They were great. A representative told me they that people like Shaun and the owners of the property were both victims.
They said they believed legally they were in the right to ask the residents to pay, but they did what Shaun wanted.
The residents whose money orders disappeared do not have to pay January rent again, and the office accepted their March rent.
They did ask Shaun to do one thing: request the information to find out who cashed the money orders.
Shaun Licari: “We mailed out the stubs to Western Union. We should getting them back within the month. That way we can find out who stole them once they trace them.”
Shaun is happy … after that call to Help Me Howard.
Shaun Licari: “I am so happy. Thank you, Help Me Howard. Thank you, Patrick. Thank you, Channel 7 News. This is awesome.”
The drop box has been removed from the complex, and Shaun says from now on he is handing his payment to someone in the office. Also remember, your lease should tell you the options you have to pay your rent. Follow those rules in case the money disappears.
Forced to pay a bill that’s left your money outta order? Wanna deposit it with someone? Drop it in our box, and let’s see if we can cook up a nice legal recipe for you.
Email: helpmehoward@wsvn.com
Reporter: Patrick Fraser at pfraser@wsvn.com
Miami-Dade: 305-953-WSVN
Broward: 954-761-WSVN
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