(WSVN) - When she became worried about unpermitted electrical work done at her condo complex, she notified code enforcement, who then told her condo board about her complaint — and what she called retaliation is why she called Help Me Howard with Patrick Fraser.
Some people would do anything to be popular. Tammy says she’d rather be right than be liked.
Tammy Cutshaw: “Yeah, and I will stand my ground to the day I die. That’s just the way God wired me.”
But standing her ground has left some people staring her down at Waterford Point Condos.
Tammy Cutshaw: “And I’m hated now.”
It’s an impressive property on the ocean in Pompano Beach, but Tammy says it’s what you can’t see that has her worried.
Tammy Cutshaw: “Washers and dryers being installed, kitchens being redone. Major electrical power panels, your breaker box not permitted, not inspected by the city.”
Tammy says she knows the work is being done because the people doing it used to be her friends.
Finally, she said, enough is enough.
Tammy Cutshaw: “After Surfside, it hit me, this could be happening to us at some point. We’re gonna be the Pompano version of Surfside if somebody don’t stop us.”
Tammy says she sent an email to Pompano Beach Code Enforcement, listing 25 units that had installed washers and dryers and hooked them up to the electrical panels without permits.
A few days later, her email to the city appeared, posted for everyone to see.
Tammy Cutshaw: “They plastered the email I sent to the city with a note above it, telling everybody what unit I lived in, at both elevators and in the mail room, for two and a half days.”
Along with Tammy’s email, the condo board wrote a letter telling what she had done and to contact the board if they wanted to know if they were on Tammy’s list.
Needless to say, Tammy was now a target.
Tammy Cutshaw: “Well, I’ve been cursed in Spanish by the real estate friend, and people just staring at me like they want to kill me.”
Some people did thank her for exposing the unpermitted work.
Tammy Cutshaw: “They’re appreciative that I’m doing this, that I’m brave for doing this, and they’ve wanted to do it for years, but they’re afraid that they’re going to be treated like I was.”
But the angry people are louder.
Tammy Cutshaw: “You can’t go to the pool without retaliation, you can’t do nothing without retaliation.”
Patrick Fraser: “The only thing you’re doing is making enemies.”
Tammy Cutshaw: “Yeah, and the city gave them the ammo.”
But Howard, can the city turn around and tell the condo board Tammy had reported them?
Howard Finkelstein, 7News legal expert: “Yes, a new law was passed that says, code enforcement has to reveal who filed a complaint. Now, can the condo board post the complaint? There’s no law that prohibits it, but they could be liable if a person physically retaliated against someone like Tammy.”
The condo president, Karen Barbera, wrote Tammy’s email “was posted because the owners needed to be notified of who was being investigated by the City.”
Barbera added, “No one is retaliating against Tammy,” adding that Tammy has been “following” people and “harassing” them so much, their attorney issued a cease-and-desist order against her.
As for Tammy’s complaint, Pompano Beach Code Enforcement investigated and found five units had done work without a permit. They have hearings scheduled before a magistrate.
Three units had no problems, and eight owners refused to let the code enforcement officer into their property to determine if illegal work had been done, stunning Tammy.
Tammy Cutshaw: “Because the city should have access if they know that there’s illegal stuff in there.”
Howard Finkelstein: “Legally, without a court order, code enforcement cannot enter your home without your permission.”
Tammy knows she’s infuriating some residents, but until she thinks the building is completely safe, she says she’ll continue to speak up.
Tammy Cutshaw: “Try to get with the city, and somebody come in here and fix this before we burn to the ground and people die.”
And with so many South Florida condos facing 40-year recertification, there are going to be a lot more Tammys speaking up to expose problems that have been around for years and need to be corrected.
People not living by a code you follow? Need someone to befriend you? Contact us, and permit us to help you.
With this Help Me Howard, I’m Patrick Fraser, 7News.
Email: helpmehoward@wsvn.com
Reporter: Patrick Fraser at pfraser@wsvn.com
Miami-Dade: 305-953-WSVN
Broward: 954-761-WSVN
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