She was laid off and filed for unemployment four months ago, but still can’t get what she is owed. So who is entitled to unemployment? Tonight’s Help Me, Howard, with Patrick Fraser.

Lysha could be me, you, anyone. With a nice home, a nice job.

Lysha Johnson: “Got to work from home. Wonderful. Didn’t have to get up and go through the commute or anything, so that was the best thing.”

And then three years after joining the company, her boss told her ‘You are being laid off.'”

Lysha Johnson: Couldn’t believe it. Heartbreaking.”

Lysha is a licensed insurance agent –with three children to support. Her first step: file for unemployment.

Lysha Johnson: “Sept. 15 and it’s been 16 weeks and I still haven’t heard anything.”

Lysha found one problem from the unemployment documents. The records provided to the state showed she worked for three different insurance companies.

Lysha Johnson: “It was a shock to me because I’ve never heard of those other two companies until I filed for the unemployment. I’ve only worked for Liberty Mutual.”

Lysha was told those companies were affiliated with Liberty Mutual and the state unemployment office needed to investigate some more.

Lysha Johnson: “‘What we can do is escalate this up for you and it takes about 14 days so I went through the 14-day process at least five times.”

14 days turned into four months. No money coming in and falling behind on the bills that never stop pouring in .

Lysha Johnson: “I’m having to reach out to family members for financial assistance. Everything right now is a struggle, a complete struggle.”

Tysha is looking for a job. At home trying to stay busy. Reading, cleaning the house, washing dishes and worrying.

Lysha Johnson: “Extremely frustrated and I can’t get anyone to assist me. They’re just waiting on adjudication. But again that adjudication process has been since October.”

Well, Howard is Lysha entitled to unemployment and if so, what happens if she can’t get it?

Howard Finkelstein: “Yes she is entitled because anyone who has earned over $3,400 dollars in the past year is entitled to 12 weeks of unemployment. The problem, if the state doesn’t provide it, the only way to get your money is to sue and anyone who is unemployed doesn’t have the money for that, so bug the heck out of them.”

The state’s unemployment is handled by the Florida Commerce Office. They did what we asked and they moved quickly.

Lysha Johnson: “Ironically, the next day, they gave me a phone call and told me that I should receive the funds within one to three business days.”

Lysha got the 12 weeks of unemployment. Now she can pay those back bills.

Lysha Johnson: “Glad that I did reach out to Help Me Howard. I wish I would had done it sooner, than I did. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.”

Her next hurdle: find a job.

Lysha Johnson: “I am a licensed insurance agent and again, I would love to get back into the auto and also homeowner’s insurance business.

If you need someone ready to work—let us know cause Lysha is available and if you are having trouble getting unemployment, click the links at the bottom of this story to help you get the money you are owed.

One final thing: If you get fired for misconduct, you are not entitled to unemployment. Things like drunk on the job, stealing then you are out of luck.

Battling a problem that’s turn into a full-time job, ready to lay it off on someone? Employ us cause it’s not work for us to help you. With this Help Me Howard, I’m Patrick Fraser. 7News.

FROM FLORIDA COMMERCE: Claimants are encouraged to frequently log in to their Reconnect account to view messages and answer inquiries to ensure there are no additional delays in processing their claim.


The Customer Service Contact Center is available Monday through Friday, from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. 1-833-FL-APPLY (1-833-352-7759). There are many tools for claimants to better understand their account outside of the call center, including the Reemployment Assistance Help Center and online chatbot available on all Reemployment Assistance (RA) pages on These resources are available in multiple languages and can assist claimants and employers with many frequently asked questions, including resetting their PIN/password, claim status, filing an appeal, and reporting fraud.

Reporter: Patrick Fraser at
Miami-Dade: 305-953-WSVN
Broward: 954-761-WSVN

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