From Kate Middleton to Kim Kardashian, the pressure is on to drop the baby weight right away.
New mom Joey Padone will tell you it’s not that easy to bounce back.
Joey Padone: “It’s definitely a challenge after having the baby to workout.”
Not to mention pregnancy has completely changed her body.
Joey Padone: “Everything is looser in different spots.”
Hoping to tone up, Padone came to Core Mama classes with her 4-month-old son, Cayden. Physical therapist Micky Morrison is the creator of the program, which is designed to help women keep fit during and after pregnancy.
Micky Morrison: “I developed a progressive program that you can safely strengthen throughout pregnancy.”
Morrison said it’s safe to exercise even if you didn’t before getting pregnant.
Micky Morrison: “You really have to do exercises that are designed for pregnancy.”
She said the key is to start slowly and listen to your body.
Micky Morrison: “Pregnancy is not a time to take up running or downhill skiing.”
Morrison said low-impact strengthening exercises, such as holding yoga poses, can help, especially when it’s time to push.
Micky Morrison: “Women who exercise through pregnancy have shorter labor times, require fewer medical interventions and bounce back more quickly.”
That’s encouraging news to Jay Jiggins, who is having her first baby. She has always exercised and plans to do so safely, right up until delivery.
Jay Jiggins: “I keep hearing that it helps if you’re in good shape, so I’m praying that’s the case.”
Morrison said just be careful stretching, because hormones during pregnancy can make joints more lax.
Mom to be Sarah said Morrison’s moves are helping keep her calm.
Sarah: “Focused, balanced and centered.”
Since having her baby, Padone said there’s not a lot of time for herself. Morrison shows her how to include Cayden into her workout, so she can get back in shape and bond at the same time.
“Using the baby’s weight as resistance actually makes it a lot more difficult and a lot more fun.”
Micky’s classes can be found online or at the University of Miami Wellness Center.
For more information
Micky Morrison:
University of Miami Wellness Center:
1120 NW 14th Street
Miami, FL 33136
Tel: (305) 243-7600