There's only one way to describe the new "Evil dead." Shireen: "I think at one point I cried, laughed & almost pee'd on myself."JANE LEVY: "Good times."In 1981 the film franchise – The Evil Dead – scared the snot out audiences everywhere. It became a cult classic: Now it's back and as cliché' as it sounds – it's better than ever. This time around — there's a new director – Fede Alvarez, this is his first feature film. And he has a message for fans. Shireen: "What will they experience?"FEDE ALVAREZ: "The fans are going to get something they don't expect, they think they know what it is, they may have an idea, but they have NO idea. And for the new audience, they're just going to be blown away because they're going to be exposed to the whole evil dead universe in just one movie."The stories pretty much the same. Remote cabin, five friends, demonic book, they unknowingly release all kinds of hell. Jane stars as Mia, she's withdrawing from drugs everyone's at the cabin to help her. Drug withdrawals can seem like uh your the devil, I guess. Shireen: "What was it like playing a demonic, crazy person. Was it exhausting?JANE LEVY: "Yes it was. I went thru all kinds of emotions. Everyday it was some physical thing, i was either being strung up in the trees or barfing on someone's face, eaten alive."The end of the movie is an homage to the classic slasher film that started it all and no weapon is off limits. Shireen: "There was a nail gun."Fernandez, Lucas: "Glass."Fernandez: "A box cutter."Shireen: "The turkey slicer."F & L lucas: "hmmm a chainsaw, right?"Shireen: "Hammer."F & L: "A shotgun."Shireen: "It's every weapon you can think of, which we have in Miami by the way."If blood makes you squirm – maybe this will help. Shireen: "What did they use for the blood?"F & L: "iIt was like corn syrup."Shireen: "Does it taste good?"F & L: "It taste like sugar."L: "There are different bloods, demon blood, there's regular blood, there's mouth blood."Shireen: "Who knew?"Evil isn't really dead. Seems pretty alive to me. But I guess you already knew that.