WSVN — Stone crab is a luxurious seafood treat, but cracking them open can be a challenge!
Chef Craig Wallen, Le Zoo: "It takes a flick of the wrist basically."
Chef Craig wallen of Le Zoo in Bal Harbour says the simple way is the best.
Chef Craig Wallen: "All you really need is a spoon- find a good spot where you get a clean break on it…¤W0 31 ]] C2.5 G 0 [[
CU CRAB 4:32:17
Just hold the claw, give it a couple of taps."
Chef Craig WallenL "You’ll see it start to break, then flip it over, give it a second crack and your claws pop right out."
Do the same to open up the knuckles… No special equipement required.
Chef Craig Wallen: "Simple is the best."