(CNN) — Transforming into Spider-Man isn’t as empowering as you might think.
Tom Holland, who plays Peter Parker in the upcoming “Spider-Man: Homecoming,” told CNN that squeezing into the iconic, webbed superhero costume was a real challenge.
“It takes a long time [to put it on]. It takes a long time.” Holland explained. “It’s so tight! You can’t put it on yourself. You need two people to help you put it on. You have to put your arms on, and then you do this [gesturing out in front of him] and then they pull it over and then you have to [talk weird] for about five minutes.”
Looking like a superhero, according to Holland, requires superpowered patience.
“It is an amazing suit to wear and to look at, but it does take time to put it on,” he said.
And peeling off the suit at the end of day of playing Spider-Man can be a bit of a let down.
Related: Is the new ‘Spider-Man’ trailer webbed with spoilers?
“That’s the disappointing thing because you’re not Spider-Man in real life,” Holland said. “You can’t climb walls and you can’t shoot webs.”
The film shoots into theaters July 7.
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