Three movies, three female leads. We like the sound of that. We’ve got a preview of this week’s new movies. You know how this goes: it’s Showtime!
Richard Jenkins (as Robert): “She learned how to forge before she learned how to write. That’s actually how she did learn how to write.”
Evan Rachel Wood plays socially awkward Old Dolio in the new quirky comedy “Kajillionaire.” A bizarre family survives on scamming and scheming, but when Old’s parents reel Gina Rodriguez into their world of cons, each of their lives are changed.
Evan Rachel Wood: “As children, our mission is always to find out who we really are in relation to our families and find our own identity and claim who we are, and I think that’s sort of what Old Dolio is going through.”
Henry Cavill (as Sherlock Holmes): “Perhaps she wants to change the world.”
Millie Bobby Brown (as Enola Holmes): “Perhaps it’s a world that needs changing.”
Introducing Enola Holmes! Millie Bobby Brown stars in the Netflix movie about Sherlock Holmes’ kid sister. Se’s doing some nifty detective work of her own, setting out to find their missing mother.
The movie is based on a book series, and Millie told Deco she’s a fan.
Millie Bobby Brown: “Having read it on a page for years now, it’s been very nice to see it come onto my TV screen and for me to watch what we made, you know?”
Jessica Chastain (as Ava Faulkner): “Why would someone not want you to be alive anymore?”
Ioan Gruffudd (as Peter Hamilton): “What are you talking about?”
Jessica Chastain is lovely in real life, but we do not want to mess with her in “Ava.”
In the new thriller, available on video on demand, she plays an assassin being hunted by her own covert organization. Or is she the one who’s doing the hunting?
Colin Farrell (as Simon): “Put security around my family on high alert.”
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