In the new thriller “Red Sparrow,” Jennifer Lawrence is playing a Russian spy who has to use her mind and her body to get what she wants. Deco’s spymaster Chris Van Vliet hung out with J-Law and her “Sparrow” peeps.
This movie is intense! We’ve also never seen Jennifer Lawrence like this before. I took a trip up to D.C. to chat with her and her co-star Joel Edgerton, and this conversation turns very random, very quickly.
Matthias Schoenaerts (as Vanya Egorov): “You have a gift. You know how to survive. This is what you are meant to do.”
“Red Sparrow” takes us to Russia, where Jennifer Lawrence is becoming a Sparrow, a secret intelligence agent that seduces secrets out of the enemy.
The movie becomes a sort of cat-and-mouse game between Jennifer’s character and a CIA agent played by Joel Edgerton.
Jennifer Lawrence (as Dominika Egorova): “Are we going to become friends?”
Joel Edgerton (as Nate Nash): “Is that what you want?”
Chris Van Vliet: “Russia is a pretty touchy subject right now for any of you guys…”
Joel Edgerton: “Why?”
(Jennifer Lawrence and Francis Lawrence laugh.)
All right, perhaps that’s a better question for the film’s director, Francis Lawrence.
Francis Lawrence: “As we started making it, and this started bubbling up in the news, purely coincidental.”
Charlotte Rampling (as Matron): “When we are finished with you, the person you were will no longer exist.”
The movie is very intense at times, so Jennifer and Joel took it upon themselves to lighten the mood between takes.
Jennifer Lawrence: “Joel and I are pretty similar. We like to call ‘cut,’ get out of it, be normal, joke around.”
Similar, you say? Just how similar?
Joel Edgerton: “We’re the same person.”
Chris Van Vliet: “You just have a better beard?”
Joel Edgerton: “I’m the male version of Jennifer.”
Jennifer Lawrence: “That reminds me: I need to pluck a hair growing out of a mole. It’s just, if I say it out loud, I’ll definitely remember.”
That’s random, but not nearly as random as how this fairly straightforward question I asked gets answered.
Chris Van Vliet: “You’re both doing accents in this movie. Were you speaking in the accents the whole time, or after ‘cut’ you were back to being yourselves?”
Joel Edgerton: “As an Australian on a foreign set, people love to talk to you about the dangerous animals of Australia. It’s like their favorite thing, and it’s weird to talk about.”
Jennifer Lawrence: “Joel, I think I talked to you about that.”
Joel Edgerton: “But I loved our conversation about it. I really did.”
Jennifer Lawrence: “That’s just like talking to somebody, and then your phone buzzes and they’ve accidentally texted you and they’re, ‘so bored right now.’ That’s what it felt like.”
So why should you see this movie? Well, in a recent podcast interview, Jennifer Lawrence said, and I quote: “I’m naked. There’s boobs. There’s murder.” So there you go.
“Red Sparrow” infiltrates into theaters starting Friday, March 2.
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