Vampires are hot, but they can also be crazy, dangerous and evil. In the new thriller, they also know how to throw a mean dinner party. That’s something Deco’s resident supernatural superstar Alex Miranda knows all about.

I’m not letting any vampires near my neck with monkeypox going around. Although, I have to admit, they are hot and stylish, but I guess, they do suck at cooking because these vamps have to take a bite out of their dinner guests in “The Invitation.”

It may look like a fairy tale, but things turns into a nightmare for Nathalie Emmanuel in the new vampire thriller “The Invitation.”

Nathalie plays Evie, a woman who suddenly discovers her long-lost family and gets invited to the wedding of the century.

Nathalie Emmanuel: “That’s when the craziness starts!”

Too bad no one told her and her soon-to-be hubby, played by Thomas Doherty is…

Thomas Doherty: “An unsavory character.”

Nathalie Emmanuel: “Unsavory to say the least.”

But because Evie doesn’t know that, she’s completely disarmed by his charm and that jawline.

Look, I get it, but what makes Nathalie and Thomas totally swoon off-screen?

Nathalie Emmanuel: “I think I’ve always been attracted to people’s talents or someone who’s just like really, really brilliant at something. I have talent crushes.”

Thomas Doherty: “If someone’s really kind. But like authentically kind, not like an LA kind.”

That’s hot but the Deco love gurus argee that so is…

Nathalie Emmanuel: “I love when people laugh at themselves. You know, just kind of have a bit of an eye roll about everything. I sort of find that really endearing.”

Thomas Doherty: “Physically, I guess, yeah, like a singer or a dancer. I’m a sucker for that. Like a musical theater singer-dancer.”

Vampires are sexy and cool, but now that they’ve done “The Invitation” — what’s the next fantasy?

Thomas Doherty: “Centaur! That’s the next thing.”

Nathalie Emmanuel: “I’ve love to play like some sort of alien-enhanced person or just like a little fairy.”

Director Jessica M. Thompson would be all in.

Jessica M. Thompson: “I was one of those kids that was super into fairies but not like the pretty Tinkerbells of the world, kind of like more the wood nymphs and things like that.”

Thomas Doherty: “We could be a dream team.”

Nathalie Emmanuel: “We could. A fairy centaur buddy comedy.”

Thomas Doherty: “You can jump on my back and just be like ppp-chtt!”

Nathalie Emmanuel: “Yeah, but I can fly!”

“The Invitation” is set to hit theaters on Aug. 26.

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